Picture of Hamza Mustafa

Hamza Mustafa

Tom cruise will go to space.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]Tom Cruise might be cruising to space to save the world from bad guys.

Tom Cruise has a history of performing daring feats and appearing in perilous moments in films, as demonstrated by roles in films like Top Gun and Mission: Impossible. However, Cruise’s rumoured forthcoming act is expected to surpass all the daredevil has already accomplished.

Cruise will visit the International Space Station for his upcoming 2024 project, making history as the first citizen to perform a spacewalk outside the space station as well as the first person to film a movie in space.

The person behind the plans to send Cruise to space is Donna Langley. Langley is the chair of Universal Filmed Entertainment Group and also one of the most powerful people in Hollywood.

She told BBC News that “Tom Cruise is taking us to space. He’s taking the world to space. That’s the plan. We have a great project in development with Tom, that does contemplate him doing just that. Taking a rocket up to the space station and shooting and hopefully being the first civilian to do a spacewalk outside of the space station.”

The movie is set to be an action film, of course, and will see most of the scenes play out on earth before the actor takes a rocket ship to the International Space Station to save the day from whoever his enemy this time around will be. Langley says the film “actually takes place on earth, and then the character needs to go up to space to save the day.”

Back in 2020, NASA confirmed they were in talks with the movie star to film the first movie in outer space. Now it is speculated that the actor will catch a ride to the International Space Station on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule. Which is regularly used to get NASA astronauts to and from the space station.

According to Deadline, the movie’s budget may be in the neighbourhood of $200 million. Which sounds like a low estimate for a movie starring rocket ships, SpaceX, NASA, and Tom Cruise. Particularly considering the higher production costs of space-themed films that were entirely produced on Earth.

The movie is still in the scripting and development stages. But if approval is granted for space filming, this movie will undoubtedly follow the trend set by Cruise’s most recent Top Gun movie, which enjoyed significant box office and economic success. Unless, of course, it simply surpasses it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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