Tips to Cut Energy Costs and Keep Your Home Cozy in Winters

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Tips to Cut Energy Costs and Keep Your Home Cozy in Winters

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]As temperatures drop, so can your bank account. We understand the financial strain cold weather puts on your wallet and want to assist you in combating the escalating energy costs. Here are some helpful tips:

Windows and Doors

Worn-out weather stripping around doors and windows can lead to drafts. The goal is to retain hot air and keep cold air out, making it essential to inspect your windows and doors.

Combatting a drafty window creatively and easily involves using cellular shades. Managing doors during changing weather can be more challenging. Door jams tend to swell, compromising the material’s integrity. If adjusting screws or replacing the door isn’t feasible, there are cost-effective products like door draft stoppers that effectively seal gaps.


While fireplaces provide warmth, many people feel uneasy leaving a fire burning when not at home or while sleeping. Unused chimneys become significant openings in your heating strategy.

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Ensure the chimney and fireplace are clean and sealed, keeping the flue closed when not in use. Even with the flue closed, warm air may still escape. An inflatable chimney balloon is a simple solution to block airflow and prevent heat loss.


Decorating with lights becomes more common as darkness sets in earlier. Lights coming on at four or five o’clock can result in nearly twice the electricity usage compared to the rest of the year. Cultivate a habit of turning off unnecessary lights, especially in unoccupied rooms. Opt for energy-efficient LED lights, which consume less energy. Consider using modern light strings and setting lights on timers to maintain a festive atmosphere without overspending on electricity.


Proper home insulation is crucial, though it’s often overlooked because it’s not visible or directly felt. Homes lacking proper insulation lose thousands of dollars in energy costs annually. Schedule a professional inspection to assess your home’s insulation, as many companies offer free estimates. Even well-insulated attics may have insufficiently insulated access doors, leading to heat loss. Ensure the attic access door is flush, insulated, and free from obstructions to prevent air leaks.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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