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Target to restore power by 10pm, Khurram dastagir

Target to restore power by 10pm, Khurram dastagir

LAHORE/KARACHI/QUETTA/ISLAMABAD: On Monday, Khurram Dastgir, the minister of power, stated that the government hoped to restore energy to the nation by 10 p.m.

According to the minister, “the goal is to restore electricity by 22:00 (10pm) local time, but we’re striving to restore considerably before that.” A “frequency difference” in the national grid early in the morning caused a nationwide power outage that left many areas of the country, including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, and Quetta, without energy.

Dastgir said to Geo News shortly after the power outage was reported that the power producing units are temporarily shut down at night in the winter as a cost-saving strategy to reduce fuel expenditures. “Frequency fluctuation was seen in the southern region of the country between Jamshoro and Dadu when the systems were turned on one by one this morning at 7:30. Voltage fluctuated, and cascade effects caused power generating units to shut down one by one. The federal minister declared as the nation descended into darkness for the second time in four months, “This is not a significant crisis.