Summary of Imran Khan’s article written from Jail

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Across Pakistan, caretaker governments hold the reins at both the federal and provincial levels. These administrations’ legitimacy hangs in the balance, as elections haven’t been held within the mandated 90 days after parliamentary assemblies dissolved.

News of February 8th elections stirs skepticism among a public already denied voting rights in two provinces despite a Supreme Court order. This skepticism stems from the Election Commission’s questionable actions, including defying the top court, rejecting Khan’s party’s nominations, and even launching contempt cases against him and other leaders for simply criticizing the commission.

Whether elections materialize or not, one thing is undeniable: the “establishment” (army, security agencies, bureaucracy) has targeted Khan and his party (PTI) since their April 2022 removal from power through a controversial vote of no confidence. This removal, allegedly orchestrated under American pressure due to Khan’s independent foreign policy stance and refusal to provide bases, has deeply impacted Pakistan’s political landscape.

Read more:Imran Khan’s Lahore, Mianwali Papers Rejected; Setback For PTI

Khan believes a cipher message from a US official to Pakistan’s ambassador, later shared with the cabinet, effectively demanded his ousting. He asserts that General Bajwa, aided by security agencies, had been working against his government for months.

Yet, public outcry against the regime change was evident. PTI’s landslide victories in 28 out of 37 by-elections and massive rallies, with record female participation, unnerved those wielding power. Further compounding their anxieties was the new administration’s economic mismanagement, leading to unprecedented inflation and currency devaluation within 18 months. The contrast with PTI’s economic stability, praised internationally for its COVID-19 pandemic handling and real GDP growth of 5.8% and 6.1% in 2021 and 2022 respectively, was stark.

Determined to keep Khan off the political scene, the “establishment” unleashed a campaign of suppression. Assassination attempts, abductions, torture, and intimidation tactics targeted PTI leaders, workers, activists, and even journalists. Khan himself faces nearly 200 legal cases and solitary confinement on seemingly absurd charges, including treason. Even the few remaining free party leaders face restrictions on gatherings, while brutal police action greets any PTI worker assembly.

This suppression creates a scenario where even if elections take place on February 8th, they would be a sham. Denying PTI its basic right to campaign would render the process a joke, further destabilizing the already volatile political and economic situation.

Pakistan’s only path forward lies in fair and free elections, restoring political stability, rule of law, and paving the way for much-needed reforms under a democratically elected government with a genuine mandate. With democracy under siege, however, Pakistan risks spiraling further into crisis on all fronts.



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