South Korea Harnesses AI to Assist Customers in Finding the Ideal Foundation Shade

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South Korea Harnesses AI to Assist Customers in Finding the Ideal Foundation Shade

AmorePacific, a leading South Korean cosmetics company, has introduced an innovative AI beauty lab where customers experience personalized skincare and makeup solutions. At this facility, AI-powered robots customize face products and recommend lipstick shades tailored to individual preferences and skin tones.

Customers like Kwon You-jin appreciate the detailed insights provided by AI, which analyze skin conditions and recommend specific cosmetic products. For instance, after receiving an AI-generated skin analysis report, a robot mixed a foundation that precisely matched her skin tone.

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The use of AI in the beauty industry is becoming increasingly popular among global brands like L’Oréal S.A. and Sephora, owned by LVMH, as it enhances customer satisfaction and boosts sales by offering personalized recommendations. This trend aligns with the broader growth of the global beauty industry, which saw sales rise to $625.6 billion in 2023, recovering steadily from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

AmorePacific’s approach involves employing deep learning and machine learning techniques to automate the evaluation process traditionally performed by skincare experts. This method not only accelerates product development but also reduces variability and improves consistency in customer recommendations.

According to analysts, the market for AI in the beauty and cosmetics sector is poised to expand significantly, projected to grow from $3.27 billion in 2023 to $8.1 billion by 2028. This growth reflects the increasing adoption of AI technologies for personalized beauty recommendations, skin analysis, virtual makeup artists, and other innovative services.

In essence, AmorePacific’s AI beauty lab exemplifies how technology is transforming the beauty industry, offering customers tailored experiences and driving forward product innovation in skincare and cosmetics.


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