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Relief Possible for Electricity Users Under 200 Units

Relief Possible for Electricity Users Under 200 Units

The federal government plans to offer a relief package to electricity consumers using up to 200 units per month in the Budget 2024-25. Reports indicate that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has instructed authorities not to raise power tariffs for these consumers, classified as protected users.

The directive came after the economic team proposed an increase in electricity prices for protected consumers, those who use up to 200 units monthly. The prime minister’s decision is expected to shield approximately 20 million protected users from a price hike in the next fiscal year.

Read more: Sindh Offers Free Electricity For Consumers Using Up To 100 Units

This decision comes despite the International Monetary Fund (IMF) urging Pakistan to raise electricity prices due to an additional Rs150 billion burden on the power sector.

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb is anticipated to present the budget in the National Assembly on June 10. The upcoming budget aims to tackle various economic challenges while meeting IMF requirements and providing relief to the public amid rising costs.