The Punjab government has unveiled plans to launch an electric taxi service across the province, drawing inspiration from successful EV programs in China. Transport Minister Bilal Akbar Khan will spearhead the initiative, which follows the directives of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. The program aims to tackle the growing concerns of air pollution while offering a sustainable transportation option.
The Punjab Transport Department is in the early stages of the project, collaborating with several electric vehicle manufacturers, including the Deewan Group and National Radio & Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC). The service will initially operate in Lahore and other divisional headquarters, with plans to expand to major cities throughout Punjab. The program will offer 24/7 taxi services, ensuring residents have continuous access to clean transportation.
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A key feature of the initiative is its focus on affordability. Taxi drivers will be able to acquire electric vehicles through flexible payment options, such as down payments and installment plans. This approach is designed to make it easier for operators to transition to electric vehicles and contribute to a greener future.
The government’s move is motivated by concerns over rising pollution levels, with the program expected to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality in urban areas. Additionally, it aims to generate new employment opportunities in the transportation sector. However, the government has not yet released details on the exact launch date or pricing structures for the electric taxis.