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Punjab has issued three-level security guidelines for Muharram processions

Punjab has issued three-level security guidelines for Muharram processions

The Punjab Home Department has issued detailed security guidelines to oversee the safe conduct of Muharram processions and congregations. These directives aim to ensure comprehensive security measures are in place for all imambargahs and gatherings during the religious observance. According to the guidelines, a three-tier security arrangement must be implemented for all gatherings. Specific entry and exit points are to be designated to manage crowd flow effectively. Installation of walk-through gates at sensitive locations is deemed mandatory to enhance security screening.

Furthermore, every individual attending the gatherings must undergo metal detector checks, and CCTV surveillance is required to monitor entries and exits. The guidelines also emphasize that loudspeakers should only be used within designated assembly areas, with strict adherence to punctuality in event proceedings.

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Moreover, before distributing niaz langar (free meals) and sabil (drinks), the Health Department is instructed to conduct inspections to ensure safety and hygiene standards. Additionally, adequate car parking facilities should be arranged at least 200 meters away from the congregation sites to facilitate smooth traffic flow and enhance security measures. These measures are intended to uphold safety standards, maintain order, and ensure a peaceful environment during Muharram gatherings across Punjab.