Private Firm Employee Dies by Suicide Allegedly Due to Workplace Pressure from Superiors

Picture of Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan

Private Firm Employee Dies by Suicide Allegedly Due to Workplace Pressure from Superiors

ndian Man Ends Life After Alleged Workplace Harassment by Superiors

In a tragic incident in India, a man employed at a private company reportedly ended his life after enduring significant mental stress caused by his seniors, local media outlets revealed.

The victim, 42-year-old Tarun Saxena, who worked in the finance department of a private firm in Uttar Pradesh, committed suicide due to what has been described as intolerable pressure and mistreatment from his superiors.

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According to reports, before taking this extreme step, Tarun left a suicide note, revealing that he had been unable to sleep for 45 days and had lost his appetite.

He explained in the note that despite his hard work, he was constantly ridiculed for failing to achieve the unrealistic targets imposed by his seniors.

Tarun’s note heartbreakingly read, “I am deeply anxious about my future and can no longer think clearly. I am leaving.”

Shortly after writing the note, Tarun took his life by hanging himself from a ceiling fan in his room. Authorities have since launched an investigation into the incident to determine the exact circumstances.

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