Pakistan’s Reserved Stance on Bangladesh Unrest

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Many regional and international players have reacted to the recent upheavals in Bangladesh, including the ousting of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. However, Pakistan, a country with historical ties to Bangladesh, has remained notably silent on the matter.

Despite the lack of an official statement from Islamabad, a diplomatic source has indicated that Pakistan is closely monitoring the situation due to its potential impact on regional dynamics. The decision to withhold official commentary is seen as a cautious approach, respecting the sensitivities surrounding Bangladesh’s internal affairs. The source emphasized that it is prudent for Pakistan to avoid making statements or taking sides at this juncture.

Behind the scenes, Pakistani policymakers are considering the implications and opportunities arising from this political shift in Bangladesh. The relationship between the two countries has been strained under Hasina’s government, particularly due to her administration’s actions and historical grievances related to 1971. Despite some recent attempts to improve relations, significant progress was limited due to Hasina’s close alignment with India and her demand for an apology from Pakistan.

Also Read: Hasina’s Fate Sealed as Bangladesh Army Refuses to Suppress Protests

With the current political change, there is cautious optimism in Islamabad that the new government in Dhaka might not be as antagonistic towards Pakistan. While it is too early to predict the future dynamics, there is potential for improved relations. Pakistani sources suggest that any official reaction, if made, will be a measured wish for the well-being of Bangladesh and its people.

The strained relations have also impacted regional cooperation, particularly within the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), where Bangladesh’s alignment with India led to a boycott of the 2016 SAARC summit hosted by Pakistan. With the political shift in Dhaka, there might be new opportunities for Pakistan to engage more positively with Bangladesh and potentially revive regional cooperation through SAARC.

For now, Pakistan’s former ambassador to New Delhi, Abdul Basit, advises a cautious approach. He suggests avoiding overly enthusiastic or patronizing statements and instead focusing on fostering goodwill and strengthening bilateral relations. He also emphasizes the need for Pakistan to remain low-profile while waiting for a more stable situation in Bangladesh.

In contrast, India is deeply concerned about the situation, with efforts to safeguard its diplomatic, economic, and security interests in Bangladesh. Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has expressed a balanced stance, keeping channels open for future engagement with Dhaka.


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