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Pakistani Muslim woman converts into a Hindu

Pakistani Muslim woman converts into a Hindu

Seema Haider, a Pakistani woman who crossed the border into India without authorization with her four children to visit her PUBG boyfriend, was just released on bail. She didn’t mean any harm, according to lawyer Heman Krishna Parashar, and she merely came to India to wed her partner.

She has now totally embraced Indian culture and religion and refuses to return to Pakistan.

Seema began residing with her partner, Sachin Meena, and her four children in a rented flat in Greater Noida after sneaking into India via Nepal. The couple was detained on July 4, but last Friday they were released on bond.

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Seema Haider is now a vegetarian in addition to accepting Indian culture. She also wears a Radhe-Radhe strap around her neck, greets people with her hands folded, and respectfully asks for blessings by touching the elders’ feet.

Seema Haider claims that she is content with her life with Sachin and has no plans to go back to Pakistan because she would face danger there. She went on to say that her kids had decided to remain in India with her.

On the other hand, Seema’s husband in Pakistan is pleading with the governments of Pakistan and India to help him bring his children back. According to him, his wife should be imprisoned and the children should be given back to him because they are innocent.