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Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa Pakistan

KP Assembly to start dissolution process after Punjab

KP Assembly to start dissolution process after Punjab

PESHAWAR: Mahmood Khan, the chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, may start the procedure to dissolve the provincial legislature as soon as the Punjab Assembly is legally dissolved, a senior cabinet official informed on Thursday. PTI lawmaker Asad Umar later corroborated the report.

Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif, the KP government’s spokesman, stated that after a summary was signed and given to the governor, it takes at least 48 hours for any assembly to be dissolved officially. But he added that the Punjab Assembly’s dissolution would come first, and then the KP Assembly would follow.

He added that the administration might dissolve the KP Assembly without facing any obstacles.

Mr. Umar informed that the Punjab Assembly’s dissolution was the next step. He responded that the KP Assembly “should be disbanded in the next 48 hours” when asked when it would be dismissed. When asked if the PTI and PML-Q had reached a final agreement over seat adjustments, he responded that the PML-Q had not specified the precise number of seats it was seeking.

To avoid giving the appearance that the party was extorting the PTI, the party stated, “In fact, they have said that they will be negotiating the seat adjustment once the dissolution has taken place.

He claimed that Mr. Elahi had not made any requests prior to signing the dissolution summary because he had adopted the stance that he trusted Imran Khan and did not wish to do so.

Mr. Umar responded that the PTI would submit a reference against the chief election commissioner (CEC) in response to a question about the CEC. “We think he should no longer be the CEC in accordance with the law. Of course, that is a matter for the courts to decide, but if the issue is “Will we hold elections even if he is still in that position?” Yes, we will run for office.