Pakistan Unveils First Life-Saving Hemostat Dressing

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Hemostat Dressing

Pakistan has made a significant breakthrough with the development of its first-ever hemostat dressing, KytoStat®. This innovative product, created by a team at the Interdisciplinary Research Center in Biomedical Materials (IRCBM) at COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore Campus, is designed to stop bleeding rapidly, potentially saving tens of thousands of lives each year.

Key Points:

  • Technology: KytoStat® uses a biopolymer called chitosan, extracted from marine sources, which interacts with blood components to promote rapid clotting and halt bleeding almost immediately.
  • Approval and Patents: The product has been approved by the Drug and Regulatory Authority Pakistan (DRAP) and patented by the Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan (IPO).
  • Applications: KytoStat® is particularly useful in emergency situations such as road accidents and bomb blasts, where it can stabilize patients before they reach trauma centers. It is also beneficial in dental procedures to manage post-extraction bleeding.
  • Accessibility: Unlike imported hemostat dressings, which are expensive, KytoStat® is designed to be cost-effective and widely available throughout Pakistan, addressing a crucial need in areas with limited access to advanced medical supplies.
  • Global Reach: The COMSATS team is collaborating with Cotton Craft Pvt Ltd for manufacturing and is exploring international markets for export.

This local innovation not only addresses pressing health and safety needs within Pakistan but also has the potential for global impact, offering a practical solution for controlling bleeding and enhancing emergency care.


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