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Pakistan to Launch Modern Communication Satellite PAKSAT MM1 Today

Pakistan to Launch Modern Communication Satellite PAKSAT MM1 Today

Pakistan is gearing up for another space milestone with the launch of its latest communication satellite, PAKSAT MM1, today.

The country is set to launch this communication satellite just weeks after successfully deploying the ICUBE-Qamar into lunar orbit. The ICUBE-Q satellite, a remote sensing observation nanosatellite, was one of four international payloads on the Chang’e 6 lunar sample-return mission launched on May 3.

Read nore: Pakistan to Launch Communication Satellite on Thursday

Following the ICUBE-Q’s success, the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Suparco) is ready to launch the PAKSAT MM1 satellite from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in China’s Zeyuan Town.

Suparco officials praised the MM1 Satellite as the result of tireless efforts by Pakistani scientists and engineers, designed to meet the country’s growing needs in communication and connectivity.

The satellite is expected to usher in a new digital era in Pakistan by providing Internet access to remote areas.

The launch ceremony will be broadcast live from Suparco’s offices in Islamabad and Karachi.

The satellite will address the current demands of the telecom sector, with its advanced capabilities meeting the increasing need for high-speed internet and seamless connectivity.

Its launch will enhance broadband internet, TV broadcasting, mobile banking, and VSAT connectivity across the country.