Mishi Khan Jokes: Newly-Wed Couples Have Babies, Yet Ambani Wedding Continues

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Mishi Khan Jokes: Newly-Wed Couples Have Babies, Yet Ambani Wedding Continues

Mukesh Ambani’s son Anant’s wedding events have gone viral worldwide, sparking a wave of discussions. The extravagant Sangeet videos, in particular, have become the talk of the town, drawing varied opinions. Pakistani actor Mishi Khan made a video expressing her thoughts on the Ambanis’ seemingly endless celebrations.

Mishi didn’t hold back in her video: “I want to ask Mukesh Ambani when this wedding will end. In the span of the celebrations, normal people have gotten married and have already had children, but there is no end in sight for this wedding… When will they leave for their honeymoon? Enough is enough! Mukesh sir, please stop.” One can almost imagine Mishi standing on her rooftop, shaking her fist at the sky, pleading for the madness to end.

However, not everyone shared Mishi’s sentiments. Actor Saba Faisal jumped in to defend the Ambanis’ right to celebrate however they see fit. “Let those who are enjoying their lives do so. They are spending their own money on their happiness,” she said.

Also Read: Pakistani Actress Criticizes ‘Indecent’ Wealth Display at Extravagant Ambani Wedding

Mishi, not one to back down, responded with equal fervor, clarifying that her opinions were her own and not some sort of paid promotion. “Yes, I do enjoy the joys of people. This is my personal thought which I am sharing; it’s not a paid promotion,” she said.

Netizens, always ready to pick sides, flocked to the comments section to declare their allegiances. In Mishi’s corner, one user wrote, “Mishi is right. This is insanity. There’s a limit to showing off wealth.” Another chimed in, “Mishi’s saying the right thing. The entire time we’re looking at how much this bag costs and how much their clothes cost. Their watches and cars. I’m fed up.” It seems Mishi’s supporters are equally exhausted by the relentless parade of wealth.

On the flip side, Saba’s defenders were just as vocal. “I agree with Saba. Look at your own house and then talk about others. Let them enjoy,” said one user, while another added, “If you see it then enjoy; otherwise, scroll past it and move on.” The message here? Live and let live, and perhaps consider the scroll function next time something irks you.

So, which side is right in this saga? Is it the camp of those who believe in minding their own business and letting people enjoy their wealth as they please? Or is it the camp of those who are bitter about such extravagant displays and feel compelled to call them out? The jury’s still out, but one thing’s for sure: the Ambani wedding has given everyone plenty to talk about—whether they like it or not.

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