Akash Kailash Kanojia, a 31-year-old driver, found himself at the center of a devastating mix-up when Mumbai police mistakenly identified him as the attacker involved in an attempted burglary at Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra apartment on January 16. The confusion began when the police issued an alert to the Railway Protection Force (RPF), leading to Kanojia’s detention while he was en route to meet his prospective bride in Bilaspur.
On January 17, while traveling on the Jnaneswar Express, Akash Kanojia was detained by the RPF at Durg station in Chhattisgarh after the police circulated his photograph, naming him as the suspect. Despite his attempts to prove his innocence and suggest the authorities check CCTV footage from his area, Kanojia was held until January 19, when the actual attacker, Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national, was arrested. The wrongful identification took a severe toll on Kanojia’s life.
Also Read: RPF Arrests Suspect in Saif Ali Khan Stabbing
The media widely circulated his image, damaging his reputation, and the fallout was swift. His employer terminated his contract, and the bride’s family, influenced by the media coverage, called off his marriage proposal. Kanojia, who had already been facing personal challenges, was left fighting to restore his life. He pointed out a key detail that was overlooked by the authorities: he had a mustache, while the attacker in CCTV footage did not.
Following his release, Kanojia requested that all false images linking him to the crime be removed from the internet, as they continued to damage his reputation. He expressed frustration over the lack of thorough investigation by the police and vowed to take legal action to clear his name. Kanojia, now unemployed and facing a ruined reputation, even considered seeking employment near Saif Ali Khan’s society in a desperate attempt to rebuild his life.
In related news, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor made their first public appearance together since the actor’s violent knife attack. The couple, accompanied by heavy security, stepped out on January 26 as Saif continued to recover from his injuries sustained in the attack. Despite the bandage around his neck, Saif appeared to be recovering well as they left their residence under a large security presence.