Mallika Sherawat Condemns Rape and Honor Killings in India

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Mallika Sherawat

The recent news of the Kolkata rape case involving Moumita Debnath, a trainee doctor allegedly gang-raped at her university, has ignited global outrage. As calls for justice and accountability grow louder, an old video clip featuring Bollywood actor Mallika Sherawat has resurfaced, drawing renewed attention.

In the 10-year-old video from a press conference, Sherawat, known for her outspoken views, is confronted by a reporter about her previous statement that India is an unsafe country. Without hesitation, Sherawat clarifies, “I said India is an unsafe country for women.” She firmly counters the reporter’s implied criticism, questioning how anyone could deny the reality of India’s rising rape incidents simply to protect the country’s image on the world stage.

Also Read: Sajal Aly Joins Voices Condemning Kolkata Medic’s Rape and Murder

Sherawat challenges the hypocrisy she sees in society, pointing out that when questioned about the rampant gang-rapes and honor killings that make international headlines, she is expected to downplay or deny the truth. “Should I lie about the state of women in our country while being a woman?” she asks, emphasizing the moral conflict in doing so.

As the reporter attempts to argue back, Sherawat intensifies her stance, appealing to the audience and particularly to the women present. She questions whether she should have remained silent like many others, thereby allowing the ongoing mistreatment of women to continue unchallenged.

Sherawat also highlights the alarming statistics of female feticide in Haryana, where cultural practices of worshipping female deities starkly contrast with the killing of female fetuses. She criticizes the press for blaming her for tarnishing India’s image, when in reality, it is the mistreatment of women that is at fault.

The clip, which ends with Sherawat urging the audience to confront the real issues instead of attacking her for speaking out, has struck a chord with many who are now re-examining her words in the context of the ongoing tragedy in Kolkata.


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