Renowned Pakistani actress Kubra Khan, celebrated for her performances in hit television dramas like Sang-e-Mar Mar, Alif Allah Aur Insaan, and Sinf-e-Aahan, has addressed the ongoing wedding rumors.
In a recent conversation with Irfan-ul-Haq for Irfanistan, Khan confirmed that she is indeed set to get married in February. When asked about the viral speculation linking her to actor Gohar Rasheed, Khan responded with a hint of humor, saying, “Yes, I am apparently getting married in February.”
While her confirmation shed light on the matter, her choice of the word “apparently” left fans curious and speculating about the details, as she refrained from providing further information about the wedding.
Read more: Kubra Khan Takes Over Sana Javed In JPL
Rumors of a Wedding Sparked by Gohar Rasheed’s Posts
The buzz around Kubra Khan’s potential marriage to Gohar Rasheed gained momentum after Rasheed shared cryptic posts on social media. These included videos of a wedding ceremony preparation with hashtags like Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi. He later teased followers, promising to reveal more about the wedding soon, fueling further speculation.
A Close Bond and Public Admiration
Kubra Khan and Gohar Rasheed have shared a strong camaraderie, often expressing mutual admiration. Despite their close relationship, both have chosen to maintain privacy regarding their personal lives, occasionally addressing rumors in public.
Kubra Khan’s Legacy in Pakistani Entertainment
Reflecting on her acting career, Kubra Khan highlighted her time with Hum TV, particularly noting the significance of Sang-e-Mar Mar, which marked her debut with the network. Known for her versatility and captivating performances, she remains one of Pakistan’s most celebrated actresses.
As fans eagerly await further details about her upcoming nuptials, the confirmation has only added to the excitement surrounding Kubra Khan’s next chapter.