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Korean YouTuber Daud Kim Builds Mosque in South Korea

Korean YouTuber Daud Kim Builds Mosque in South Korea

Korean YouTuber Daud Kim, who converted to Islam in 2019, has realized his dream of building a mosque in South Korea. He shared this achievement on Instagram with a heartfelt video showing the construction process and his participation in it.

“Alhamdulillah, I finally made it happen,” Kim captioned. “With your help, I have built a house for Allah (SWT). Despite concerns, I will never give up on my dream of building a mosque. Thank you all.”

Read more: Locals Halt YouTuber Daud Kim’s South Korea Mosque Construction

The video also showed followers joining Kim in prayers at the newly constructed mosque on Yeongjong Island in Incheon city. Kim invited his supporters to contribute voluntarily to this noble cause.

The mosque’s completion is a significant milestone for Kim, showcasing his dedication to his faith and commitment to spreading Islamic teachings in Korea. His efforts have garnered widespread support and admiration.

Kim’s journey from a YouTube personality to a mosque builder highlights his deep connection to Islam and his determination to positively impact through his beliefs.