Indian weapons have entered Ukraine, escalating tensions and provoking Russian anger

Picture of Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan

Indian weapons have entered Ukraine, escalating tensions and provoking Russian anger

Indian artillery shells have been diverted by European customers to support Ukraine’s defense against Russia, despite Indian arms export regulations prohibiting such unauthorized transfers. This diversion has occurred over the past year, with countries like Italy and the Czech Republic facilitating the transfer of Indian munitions to Ukraine.

  1. Allegations and Diplomatic Tensions: Reports indicate that the Kremlin has raised concerns with India about these transfers on multiple occasions. However, India has not intervened to halt the trade, maintaining that it has not sold artillery shells directly to Ukraine.
  2. Arms Export Trends: Indian defense sources confirm that a minor fraction of the artillery used by Ukraine is of Indian origin. The quantity is reportedly under 1% of Ukraine’s total arms imports. The increase in arms exports from India to European nations has risen significantly from $2.8 million to $135.25 million since the onset of the conflict in February 2022.
  3. European Involvement: European countries, including Italy and the Czech Republic, have imported Indian artillery shells and repurposed them for Ukrainian use. Notably, Italian defense contractor Meccanica per l’Elettronica e Servomeccanismi (MES) has been involved in this process, buying empty shells from India and filling them with explosives.
  4. Impact on India-Russia Relations: India’s arms exports to Ukraine reflect a complex geopolitical stance. Despite strong historical ties with Russia, India is expanding its arms export sector and navigating its position amid Western pressures and partnerships.

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Diplomatic Context

  • Indian Foreign Policy: India’s foreign policy remains neutral, balancing its historic relationship with Russia and its growing defense ties with Western allies. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visits and strategic partnerships underscore this balancing act.
  • Geopolitical Implications: The diversion of Indian-made munitions to Ukraine allows India to subtly align with Western interests without overtly opposing Russia, demonstrating a strategic maneuver within global geopolitical dynamics.

The diversion of Indian artillery shells to Ukraine highlights the complexities of international arms trade and geopolitical alliances. As India continues to expand its defense exports, it navigates the delicate balance between its traditional partnerships and emerging global relationships.


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