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IBM won’t hire people for tasks AI can perform.


In recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about concerns over the impact it may have on employment. Technology giant IBM has announced its plans to stop hiring people for thousands of tasks that it believes artificial intelligence can perform in the upcoming years. CEO Arvind Krishna has stated that during a five-year period, around 30% of the approximately 26,000 non-customer-facing occupations might be replaced by AI, resulting in a loss of about 7,800 jobs.

While the idea of automation through AI may seem like an attractive option for businesses looking to cut costs and improve efficiency, it has raised concerns over the impact on the workforce. The replacement of human jobs with AI could lead to significant job losses and cause disruptions to the economy. However, proponents of AI argue that automation can lead to the creation of new jobs in different sectors and can ultimately lead to greater productivity and innovation.

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IBM has a history of investing in and promoting the use of AI, and the company believes that it can use AI to automate many of its non-customer-facing occupations, such as human resources jobs. This move is part of the company’s broader strategy to focus on higher-growth areas such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, and AI.

IBM’s decision to replace human jobs with AI is not unique. Many companies are already implementing AI technologies to automate tasks that were previously performed by humans. While the automation of tasks can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings, it is important to consider the impact it may have on the workforce. Companies must be proactive in providing training and education programs to help employees transition to new roles and industries.

In conclusion, IBM’s announcement of its plans to replace human jobs with AI has sparked discussions about the impact of automation on the workforce. While the implementation of AI technologies may lead to increased efficiency and cost savings, it is important to consider the impact it may have on the economy and the workforce. Companies must take proactive measures to ensure that employees are prepared for the transition to new roles and industries.