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Health Card Program Launched in Balochistan


Balochistan’s health department has made tremendous progress thanks to a partnership with a big private insurance provider. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed to kick off the region’s long-awaited healthcare programme.

The recently introduced health card scheme is supposed to provide comprehensive healthcare to over two million families.

Syed Ehsan Shah, Balochistan’s Health Minister, declared at a well-attended press conference that this effort represented a pioneering development in the province’s healthcare sector.

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Syed Ehsan Shah emphasised that the collaboration with State Life Insurance for the health card plan is a beneficial and encouraging move for boosting Balochistan’s healthcare facilities. He reaffirmed that the government’s first concern is healthcare.

Balochistan’s Chief Minister (CM), Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, issued clear directions to speed up the issuance of health cards. The minister emphasised that all Balochistan citizens, whatever of their living conditions, will benefit from this programme without discrimination. Beneficiaries would receive up to Rs. 1 million in free treatment.

He restated his resolve to launching the health card formally in two months and establishing information centres in each panel hospital. The minister emphasised the importance of the media in publicising this historic occasion and promoting public knowledge about the benefits of this programme.