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Hamas Initiates Missile Strike Targeting Tel Aviv

Hamas Initiates Missile Strike Targeting Tel Aviv

In a recent uptick in conflict, the military branch of Hamas launched a missile strike on the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, setting off warning sirens throughout the area. This incident occurs amid heightened tensions, with Hamas attributing their offensive actions to perceived injustices by Israel.

Previously, the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military arm, claimed responsibility for the attack, asserting that their fighters had engaged with and detained an unspecified number of Israeli soldiers in Jabalia camp. However, the Israeli military has refuted these assertions.

Read more: Hamas Rejects Tel Avivs Claim of ‘Command Centre Under Al-Shifa Hospital

The situation in Gaza has further worsened, with reports indicating a severe humanitarian crisis. Four Egyptian aid trucks have entered Gaza through the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, as international organizations raise concerns about the potential for famine in the region. Egypt’s Red Crescent has announced plans to send over 200 trucks into Gaza in response to the deteriorating conditions.

Concurrently, Israel has intensified its military operations in Gaza, resulting in the deaths of over 80 Palestinians within the last 24 hours alone. Since October 7, the death toll in Gaza has risen significantly, with estimates indicating over 35,984 Palestinians killed and up to 80,643 injured in Israel’s offensive against the region. In contrast, the death toll in Israel from Hamas attacks stands at 1,139, with numerous individuals still held captive.

This recent surge in violence underscores the pressing need for international intervention to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and facilitate dialogue aimed at achieving a sustainable ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.