Google will hold 7 events for women in technology in Pakistan

Picture of Hamza Mustafa

Hamza Mustafa

google office

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]KARACHI: To encourage and empower more than 1,550 women developers across five locations, Google is hosting seven Women Techmakers (WTM) events in Pakistan this year. Google’s WTM programme aims to give women in technology exposure, a sense of community, and access to resources.


The seven events, which include rallies, workshops, networking opportunities, and conferences, will take place between March and May and offer training in a variety of entrepreneurship topics, such as leadership, technical skills, and how to get around particular obstacles faced by women in technology.

The first event started on March 8, which marks International Women’s Day (IWD). The IWD theme for WTM events this year is #DareToBe, where we encourage women to have the courage and confidence to dream big and take risks. Whether it’s bold, resilient or innovative, we invite everyone to think about all the ways they will “Dare To Be” in 2023.


Local WTM Ambassadors will host the events with support from Google. The WTM Ambassador programme supports women in tech who are looking to create impact and give back to their communities. As an Ambassador, they will engage with their communities by participating in one or more leadership activities on a quarterly basis.


Farhan S Qureshi, Google Regional Director for Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka said, “These events, in collaboration with Women Techmakers (WTM) Ambassadors, don’t only recognize the accomplishments of women in tech, but will also encourage more women to join the fast growing tech industry.


Over the years, WTM and its ambassadors have organized many events that have helped women developers reach their true and full potential. The said programme will promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in the tech sector, which is the primary mission of Google.”




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