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Google Introduces .Meme Domain For Humor Websites

Google Introduces .Meme Domain For Humor Websites

With the widespread popularity of memes, Google has introduced a dedicated domain for them. The new .meme domain names are currently in an early access phase, allowing registration for an additional one-time fee. Alternatively, they will be open to the public on December 5th, available at their standard annual rate.

Numerous individuals have already registered meme websites using this domain, with many dedicated to cat memes. Examples include grumpycat.meme, nyancat.meme, and keyboardcat.meme. The meme explainer website knowyour.meme has also transitioned to the .meme address. However, some sites redirect to the .com address or another platform.

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Google Registry offers various unique domain names like .dad, .boo, and the recently introduced .ing. Yet, .meme stands out as one of the most unconventional choices in their collection. This new domain is expected to simplify the process of finding reaction memes for group chats.