Gas Outage Intensifies Challenges for Public During Winter

Picture of Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan

Gas Outage Intensifies Challenges for Public During Winter

As winter arrived in Lahore, residents faced severe inconvenience due to unannounced gas load-shedding, which disrupted their daily routines. Housewives, in particular, expressed frustration over the difficulty of preparing meals for their families, with many struggling to cook breakfast or dinner due to the abrupt gas outages.

Read More: Gas price hiked up to 124%.

The suspension of gas services for several hours left families without a reliable cooking source, making it challenging to manage three meals a day. Many residents voiced their dissatisfaction with the situation, especially as they continued to receive high gas bills despite the irregular supply.

This recurring winter gas shortage has created ongoing hardship for local families. Residents have called on the government to take immediate action and implement a permanent solution to ensure a steady gas supply during the colder months.

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