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France Changes Airport Name In Tribute To Queen Elizabeth II

France Changes Airport Name In Tribute To Queen Elizabeth II

PARIS – French authorities have revealed plans to rename an airport as a tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II.

The chosen name will be Elizabeth II Le Touquet-Paris-Plage International Airport, replacing the current name, Touquet-Paris-Plage Airport. Although the inauguration date remains unspecified, the decision follows a proposal submitted to the British Crown. This initiative emerged six days after the Queen’s passing on September 8 of the previous year.

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King Charles III’s acceptance of the renaming proposal, as put forth by the mayor of Le Touquet, underscores the mayor’s vision of establishing Le Touquet as “the most British of French resorts,” according to the town hall.

With its origin dating back to the 1930s, the airport was designed to cater to British visitors seeking to access the coastal town, situated around an hour’s drive from Calais.

Notably, the French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte possess a holiday residence in the area. Authorities believe that the revamped airport name will further reinforce the connection between the town and the United Kingdom, encouraging tourist flights from across the Channel.

It’s worth mentioning that the airport, which currently serves private jets rather than scheduled passenger flights, aspires to welcome tourist planes in the future.

The decision to rename the airport has garnered praise from individuals in both Britain and France. Owen Collins, the Mayor of Witney, expressed gratitude for the gesture, highlighting Queen Elizabeth II’s special connection with the people of France during her lifetime. The renaming not only memorializes this relationship but also deepens the bond between Le Touquet and Witney, a connection spanning over four decades.