France Bans Wearing Abayas in Schools

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France Bans Wearing Abayas in Schools

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]The wearing of “Abayas” [Islamic hijab] at schools has been banned by French authorities, who see it as a violation of France’s strict secular laws.

France’s Education Minister Gabriel informed TF1 television that Abayas would no longer be permitted in schools, and that precise instructions will be sent to national school heads when classes began on September 4 across the country.

The decision follows months of controversy over the wearing of Abayas in French schools, where women have traditionally been prohibited from donning the Islamic hijab.

Right-wing and far-right activists had urged for a ban, while the left claimed that people’ freedom would be compromised.

According to reports, the trend of wearing Abayas in schools is growing, and there is conflict between parents and teachers over the subject.

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Gabriel described Abaya as religious, saying that secularism implies liberating themselves via education, and that its objective is to test the republic’s resistance to the secular sanctity that education should generate.

“When entering a class, you should not be able to identify the religion of the students by looking at them,” it added. The March 2024 rule prohibits students from wearing religious clothing to school, including huge crosses, Jewish hats, and Islamic scarves.

Abaya, on the other hand, has yet to face a ban. In November of last year, the Ministry of Education released a circular on the subject.

Pop, a former education minister, stated that he did not want a catalogue issued to define the length of the outfit.

Bruno Babkiewicz, a union representative, hailed Gabriel’s announcement.

Clementine Otten, a member of the opposition party’s right wing, denounced it as a “clothing policy.”

He called Gabriel’s announcement “unconstitutional” and contrary to the fundamental beliefs of secular France, adding that it demonstrated the government’s “rejection of Muslims.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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