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Fiza Ali: I’ll Remarry Only If my Future Partner Accepts my Daughter

Fiza Ali: I'll Remarry Only If my Future Partner Accepts my Daughter

Fiza Ali, a model and television host who has been married twice, shares her unwavering relationship stance: she will only entertain the idea of marriage again if the potential partner is willing to accept her daughter, Faraal.

In a widely circulated video clip, Fiza emphasizes her condition for marriage, stating, “I will get married only when I find someone who accepts my daughter and doesn’t have a problem with me working.”

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Despite receiving proposals and even reaching the engagement stage, Fiza reveals that potential suitors have backed out upon learning that she insists on maintaining her daughter’s relationship with her father.

Maintaining contact between father and daughter is paramount for Fiza, despite her separation from Fawad, her ex-husband. They share custody of Faraal, with the child often staying with her paternal grandparents while Fiza fulfills her work commitments.

Fiza maintains a warm relationship with her former in-laws, referring to them as “Ammi” and “Abbu” and appreciating their support, especially during her busy work schedule.

Reflecting on her past marriage to Fawad, Fiza shares candidly about their differences, particularly regarding socializing. While Fawad valued social presence highly, Fiza struggled with the expectation, feeling that her professional achievements were undervalued.

Despite Fawad’s non-abusive demeanor, Fiza found it challenging to align mentally with his expectations, leading her siblings to intervene and advise her to end the relationship.