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Due to “contractual infractions,” Shoaib Akhtar dissociates himself from the biography Rawalpindi Express.

Due to contractual infractions, Shoaib Akhtar dissociates himself from the biography Rawalpindi Express.

The Rawalpindi Express is no longer listed in books. Former cricketer Shoaib Akhtar declared that he has legally withdrawn the rights to his life’s story and separated himself from the “dream project.” He cited “continuous contractual infractions” and “failure to resolve differences peacefully” as reasons for the breakup.

He published an official statement on his Twitter account on Saturday. Very regrettably, he stated, “I would like to inform all of you that I have decided to distance myself from the movie Rawalpindi Express and its producers by cancelling the agreement through my management and legal team.



Even though he made an effort to survive, he claimed that his biopic didn’t turn out as well as he had intended. He acknowledged that it was a dream project and stated, “Unfortunately, things were not going well. I did a lot to prevent [this] and stay in the boat.” We severed connections with them as a result of ongoing contractual infractions and inability to resolve differences peacefully.

Akhtar asserted that he had formally and legally quit the project and threatened to take legal action if the filmmakers decide to proceed. “I have abandoned the initiative after following all legal procedures to revoke the rights to my life’s tale. If the producers continue to produce biopics, serious legal action will be taken.

He claimed that despite his best efforts, his biopic didn’t turn out how he had wanted. Unluckily, things were not going well, he said, outlining the reasons. “Definitely, it was a dream project and I did a lot to prevent [this] and stay in the boat,” he said. We finally severed connections with them because of a failure to settle disputes peacefully and repeated contractual infractions.

Akhtar declared that he has formally and legally quit the project and that, should the filmmakers decide to proceed with it, he will take legal action against them. “After following all legal requirements to revoke the rights to the story of my life, I have abandoned the project. If the makers of the biopic persist, serious legal action will be taken.