Defense Minister Khawaja Asif has dismissed reports claiming that the government is under pressure to release PTI founder Imran Khan, emphasizing that no such offer has been made to shift Khan to his Bani Gala residence or any other location. Speaking at a ceremony in Sialkot on Saturday, Asif rejected the claims as baseless, asserting that the reports were being fabricated by PTI.
Asif further clarified that the decision regarding Khan’s release is solely in the hands of the judiciary, and as a member of the executive, he has no authority or qualification to comment on the matter. The minister also reiterated that all PTI efforts to destabilize the country have failed, pointing to improvements in Pakistan’s economic indicators as proof of the government’s success.
Also Read: Imran Khan to Finalize Charter of Demands
In his address, Asif also highlighted the government’s focus on political stability and economic recovery. He praised the restoration of flights to Europe, calling it a major achievement for the country, and expressed optimism for expanding flights to Britain and North America in the future. He further lauded Sialkot’s business community for its significant contributions to Pakistan’s exports and proposed that the city be designated as a “bonded city.”