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Customs Intelligence Detects 8 Ghost Exporting Units 

Customs Intelligence Detects 8 Ghost Exporting Units 

The Directorate of Customs Intelligence in Karachi has intensified its efforts to curb misuse of the Export Facilitation Scheme, specifically targeting entities that have allegedly availed millions of rupees in duty and tax exemptions without fulfilling export obligations.

According to Director General Ali Raza Hanjra, investigations revealed that eight entities registered as exporters had imported input goods worth Rs. 330 million under the scheme. These entities allegedly availed duty and tax exemptions amounting to Rs. 156 million, but failed to meet the export requirements stipulated in the scheme. Upon further investigation, it was found that none of these entities were operating at their declared locations when Customs Intelligence teams visited. Consequently, under the direction of the Director Customs Intelligence, FIRs (First Information Reports) have been lodged against these entities for violating the export facilitation scheme.

Read More: Raid at BOL News head office Karachi by Customs Intelligence.

This crackdown follows similar actions taken earlier in April, when misuse of the scheme by four other exporters was detected, resulting in FIRs being filed against them as well. Director General Ali Raza Hanjra commended the efforts of the Customs Intelligence officers and staff for their diligence in uncovering these irregularities and enforcing compliance with government regulations aimed at facilitating legitimate exports.