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Cold Lava Flow Ravages Philippine Village Following Kanlaon Volcano Eruption


In the wake of a powerful eruption at Kanlaon volcano, residents of Biaknabato village faced a new threat as heavy rains triggered a massive cold lava flow. The volatile mixture of volcanic mud and debris surged down the slopes, engulfing the village in its path and leaving devastation in its wake.

Just two days prior, Mount Kanlaon had erupted, spewing ash, rocks, and gases into the atmosphere. The aftermath of this eruption manifested in the form of a cold lava flow on June 5, as heavy rainfall catalyzed the movement of volcanic debris down the watercourse, inundating the streets of Biaknabato village.

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Images circulating on social media platforms, verified by AFP, depict a torrent of gray mud and rocks sweeping through the village, creating a scene of chaos and destruction. Residents were forced to wade through knee-deep sludge as they navigated the streets in the aftermath of the deluge.

Despite the magnitude of the cold lava flow, there were no immediate reports of casualties. However, the inherent dangers posed by volcanic debris remain a cause for concern. Teresito Bacolcol, director of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, issued a warning to the public, highlighting the risks associated with volcanic activity.

As the region grapples with the aftermath of the cold lava flow, residents continue to cope with the ongoing threat of further eruptions and lahars. The state volcanology agency has raised the alert level for Kanlaon volcano, signaling the potential for heightened volcanic activity in the days ahead.

The Philippines, situated within the seismically active Pacific “Ring of Fire,” is no stranger to volcanic eruptions and their consequences. Kanlaon volcano serves as a stark reminder of the geological risks faced by communities in the region, underscoring the importance of preparedness and resilience in the face of natural disasters.