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China Creates High-Speed Laser-Driven Submarines Rivaling Jets

China Creates High-Speed Laser-Driven Submarines Rivaling Jets

Chinese researchers at Harbin Engineering University are close to achieving a significant breakthrough: harnessing laser technology to propel submarines at speeds comparable to jet engines.

Their pioneering method involves creating plasma underwater using lasers, which generates a “detonation wave” that drives the submarine forward. While previous efforts encountered difficulties in controlling the propulsion, scientists claim to have overcome these challenges.

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By integrating thin optical fibers coated with laser-emitting materials onto submarines, researchers anticipate producing up to 70,000 newtons of thrust. This potential advancement could enable submarines to travel faster than the speed of sound.

However, there are concerns about the possible militarization of laser propulsion technology, particularly amid apprehensions of a growing submarine arms race. This development prompts discussions regarding its ethical and strategic implications on a global scale.