Pakistani actress Aymen Saleem and her husband Kamran Malik have joyfully announced the arrival of their first child, a baby boy named Kayhan Malik. Aymen shared the heartwarming news with her Instagram followers, posting an adorable photo of herself and Kamran gently holding their newborn’s tiny feet.
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In her post, Aymen expressed her excitement, writing: “From a party of two to a family of three – our hearts have never been fuller. These past 6 weeks with our baby boy have been pure magic. Welcome to the world, Kayhan Malik!” The couple’s followers flooded the comments section with congratulations and well-wishes, celebrating the new addition to their family.
Aymen had previously revealed her pregnancy and the gender of their child in a special moment. In a creative gender reveal, the couple used a car showroom as the backdrop, with Aymen standing next to Kamran beside a blue Lamborghini, symbolizing the arrival of their baby boy.