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Australia is keen to host a bilateral series between India and Pakistan

Australia is keen to host a bilateral series between India and Pakistan.

Cricket Australia’s chief executive Nick Hockley has expressed keen interest in facilitating a bilateral series between India and Pakistan in Australia, a matchup that hasn’t occurred since the 2012-13 season, limited to global ICC events in recent years. Hockley emphasized Cricket Australia’s willingness to assist in arranging the series, stating, “If we can play a role in helping and facilitating the India vs Pakistan bilateral series, we would be more than happy to do so.” He noted that formal discussions have not yet taken place due to scheduling constraints but reiterated their openness to hosting such a significant series.

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Reflecting on the format of international cricket, Hockley highlighted the success of the recent ODI World Cup hosted by India and advocated for bilateral series to carry weight similar to Test matches in the World Test Championships. He suggested that every bilateral series should have implications for qualification in the context of World Cups, enhancing the stakes and competitiveness across formats. Hockley concluded by affirming Australia’s commitment to all three formats of the game and emphasized the importance of ensuring that each bilateral series contributes meaningfully to teams’ pathways toward global tournaments like the World Cups.