A Lifelong Dream Realized: My Journey to Launch Pakistan’s Polio Eradication Campaign

Picture of Rana Ikram Rabbani

Rana Ikram Rabbani

A Lifelong Dream Realized My Journey to Launch Pakistan's Polio Eradication Campaign

The year 1994 is a memorable year of my life since, it was the same year when, as the Punjab Health Minister, I launched a crusade against the ‘Polio’ menace in The Punjab Province. It was not just another year on the calendar, but a lifelong reminder of something which I always wanted to do and, as servant of my beloved country’s masses, I wanted to contribute. In fact, 1994 was Almighty’s answer to my humble prayers and the year of the fulfillment of my life long dream, a dream of a ‘Polio Free’ Pakistan.

Its pertinent to mention here that Polio is not new to the humans since it’s an ancient disease. It is evident in the paintings found on the walls in Egypt, Rome and Greece way back in 1580-1350 B.C. You could find the children and adults depicted in these diseases who had fallen victims to this crippling menace. Nevertheless, serious efforts biggen in the in the modern times with strenuous planning and chalking out effective strategies to get the humanity rid of this old enemy. As part of these serious efforts, a protocol was signed by the members of the United Nations, of which, Pakistan was also a signatory. But unfortunately, this Protocol was never taken seriously in Pakistan since it was not a headache of the political stalwarts who were the part of the government at that time. Unfortunately, even today, the legislation for vested interests and personal gains is the top priority of such elements in the Government.

Also Read: Polio Claims Another Life In Pakistan

In 1994, I was made the Provincial Health Minister and I was invited to Oslo (Norway’s Capital) in connection with the ‘Pakistan Day’ celebrations by a Norwegian Organization. I was invited as Chief Guest in one of the ‘Pakistan Day’ Celebration events. It was there when I came to know that Pakistan Muslim League (PML) has also organized a similar event in Oslo. Despite being uninvited, I still went to that event since I believe that besides having political differences, we must remember that no matter where we are, we all are Pakistanis first. So, under this notion, I walked into this event. This uninvited Gate-Crashing proved to be a blessing in disguise too, since I gained a political benefit out of it.  Strangely enough, in that event, we (the sitting Government), was not criticized at all and I was told Indian Lobby propagating that in Pakistan a virus is crippling Pakistani Children, the affected kids leges get weak and eventually, resulting in the deformity of the limbs and feet.

After hearing about this heinous Indian propaganda, then I Islamabad to collect some information on this issue. On calling Islamabad, Dr. Muhammed Ali Barzegar of W.H.O. (who is an Iranian) told that 20 per cent kids out of all the Polio affected children being reported from all over the world, belong to Pakistan only. Moreover, a good number of cases remain unreported due to superstitious nature of the people. While in Oslo, I scheduled a meeting with the Norwegian Health Minister. It is pertinent to note that Norway is one of the countries which provides a valuable assistance and aid to many developing & underdeveloped countries including Pakistan, through ‘NORDIC’.

The next day reached the Norwegian Health Minister’s Office. The lady Health Minister was a few minutes late from the appointed time and the reason which she presented for this delay was not only surprising but also eye-opening. The Lady Minister said that she comes to the office on train and her office is a little far from the train station. Therefore, she keeps a bicycle at the tarin station which she uses to reach her office. Today, when she went to the Bike stand to fetch her bicycle, to her surprise, there two more bicycles of the same kind as Her’s. She added that due to this confusion she got 5 minutes late to her appointment and apologized for this delay too. Now, this seemingly ‘ordinary’ incident prompted me to analyze our decadent society, where, despite an acute sense of depravity in the masses, Vested interest and Personal Gains remain on the top of our ruler’s priorities list.  

I called a press conference in Oslo and was questioned about the need to keep the families and their kids in a Quarantine who were returning home from abroad. About this, I clarified that since Polio is a Disease and not an outcome of an infection, therefore, No Quarantining was required. I also admitted to the press that with a sense of shame that we have been keeping our eyes closed with regard to Polio menace eradication. I also announced in the same press conference that I will launch a Polio Eradication Campaign as soon as back home and if I couldn’t, then you shall get the news of my resignation. Since the Indian Lobby had launched this negative propaganda about Polio in Pakistan, therefore, I repeatedly mentioned the countries names those had Polio with the WHO statics, especially India.

On my return home, I started preparations for Polio Eradication Plan. Here, I must mention that my friends and colleagues, right from the Secretary to the vaccinators, in the health and in other government departments, whole heartedly extended their cooperation for this National cause. I held meetings with the Commissioners and directed them to make this plan a success. I issued the instructions to the high officials to ensure the spread of awareness in the masses about Polio though mosques, in their respective districts. I instructed these officials to provide detailed information about Polio menace, its deadly effects and how to prevent our kinds from this monster. I further instructed them that they should announce the venues and dates of Polio Drops administration (which is essential for a protection from Polio. Then, I requested then Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhuttoo Shaheed to help us out in this national cause. And, Mohtarma in return, very kindly and graciously, got a movie made in which her own daughter Mohtarma Asifa was given Polio drops. This movie was shown many times a day on television. That was the extent of Mohtarma Benazir Bhuttoo’s love for her people and level of dedication & commitment towards their well-being.

A lot many towering and world-renowned personalities like Dr. Mohd Ali Barzgar of WHO, UNICEF’s Country Director Mary Jim and UNICEF’s Mrs.——, internationally acknowledged organizations including Rotary International (The biggest donors for Polio Campaign), CDAI Canada and UAE provided funds and very precious assistance for the eradication of this great menace. Our business community also lend a big hand in this national cause by donating banners. Besides all these efforts, a very encouraging and positive response also came from our media and they visited numerous places at random along with the WHO & UNICEF representatives and found everything above the mark. It is pertinent to mention that I, in my personal capacity, kept a 24hrs vigil and watch over the whole process and its various phases. Alhamdulillah, with the God Almighty’s blessings, every stake holder and concerned parties highly apricated my efforts and the campaigns handling. Allah saved me from any kind of embarrassment and I came out of this Herculean test in flying colors. 

During this huge exercise something very important came to light which was the importance of the Mosque in such national level endeavors and campaigns came to know that despite having the facilities of the Electronic & Print Media, the institution of the Mosque is even more effective than any modern means of communication. During one of the random visits in the rural area, we came across a lady shop keeper, a vegetable etc. seller, in a small village. We asked her about the importance of that day, the lady replied without hesitation that ‘Today is ‘Polio Drops Administration Day’. When asked that how does she know that? The unassuming simple villager lady said that it was announced in the village mosque! So is the importance of a Mosque as a very effective medium of communication. So, this is the story about how and when the Polio Eradication Program was launched and started in our beloved Pakistan, and who was chosen by Almighty God for this noble cause.

I just gave a vision and made the ‘Polio Eradication Program’, a part of this vision and that was my contribution in the capacity of a Pakistani for the beloved mases of my mother land. Besides the Polio Eradication Program, God Almighty there are many other highly significant initiatives under the banner of ‘Health for All by The Year 2000’, which included Health Workers Program, Health Education, T.B. Control, Aids Awareness & Control Program, Provision of Tertiary Heath Facilities and inclusion of Iodine in the cooking salt, a visit to Tehran to meet Mr.Ahmedi Nijat, the Mayor of Tehran , who later became  he President of the brotherly Islamic Republic of  Iran. There was another significant health program was also in the pipeline at that time as well. Some other important programs that were initiated by my humble self in the capacity of the Punjab Health Minister include, Peoples Pharmacy, measures for stopping the theft of medicines from the hospitals and provision of clean & safe blood for transfusion purpose. In the result of all these health-related initiatives, Pakistan was awarded a Gold Medal by WHO after verification and acknowledgement of these initiatives. It is pertinent to note that this Gold Medal is awarded by Who once in a year to any country.

Unfortunately, it’s quite a very disturbing element faced by every sincere Pakistani who has a passion for serving his country & its masses that every new government, either closes the old programs or they are never completed in its tenure. Even in today’s Pakistan, so many hospitals, schools, colleges and roads are subjected to neglected and no one bothers to address the issue seriously and sincerely. As for the Print & Electronic Media, they focus more on “Photo Programs” of the high & mighty, rather than highlighting the real issue sand the plight of the hard-pressed masses. Moreover, the meticulously planned Polio Eradication Program also got discontinued after my leaving as the Health Minister Punjab. And now, unfortunately Pakistan is standing side-by-side with the Polio Affected countries like Afghanistan and Nigeria.

However, I have a clear conscious and am a satisfied Pakistani, who laid the foundation stone for a Polio-Free Pakistan. And when I see healthy young men and kids playing around in our streets and playgrounds, I feel so proud of my very little contribution and pay my gratitude to All Mighty God for choosing my unworthy self for such a Nobel and honorable nation cause. I pray for the prosperity, health and stability of my beloved Pakistan and will keep praying to Allah Almighty for the prosperity and betterment of my beloved country till my last breath. Pakistan zindabad, people of Pakistan Payindabad.

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