Syeda Alizey Sultan reveals how she get over heartbreak after divorce.

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Syeda Alizey Sultan

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]Syeda Alizey Sultan, who recently divorced actor Feroze Khan, has spoken out about the physical and mental abuse she experienced during their marriage.

Sultan held an Instagram Q&A with her followers yesterday, and among other things, she discussed how she overcame heartbreak and sadness to become a lot happier person.

Sultan responded to a fan’s question by saying:

“When you have Allah, family, your loved ones and immense love and support from you guys. Then every situation is manageable.”

Sultan also shared an ayat that had helped her handle difficult times, and she stated that talking to Allah was the most effective kind of treatment for her.

In response to the thought of remarrying, Sultan stated that she would prefer to let things unfold naturally rather than rush into anything fresh.

“Marriage is half of your deen, and everything happens at the right time.”

Sultan then revealed the most important lessons she had learned from her divorce, such as the need of being financially independent and remembering to love herself first and foremost.

Also Read: Feroze Khan changes his Instagram name?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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