Instagram Users Report Rise in Disturbing, Vulgar Content on Feeds

Picture of Sameer


Instagram users have been shocked by a sudden surge in graphic and explicit content on their feeds, with many linking it to a recent update that introduced new functionalities to Notes.

The update allows users to create notes on posts that last for several days and can be shared with close friends or mutual followers. However, many Instagram users have taken to other social platforms to express concerns over the unexpected rise in violent and adult content appearing in their feeds.

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As the platform is widely used by women and children, some users believe the surge is due to a glitch or an algorithmic change, as disturbing videos featuring graphic content continue to circulate.

Meta has yet to issue an official statement on the matter, but some speculate that a technical error may have led to sensitive content being displayed to a broader audience without the usual filters.

Previously, reports suggested that Instagram Reels might recommend inappropriate content to users following young influencers, raising concerns about exposure to explicit material. Users can reset their feed preferences by navigating to the “What You See” tab in settings and selecting “Reset Suggested Content.”

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