Tanzanian Man with 16 Wives and 104 Children Calls His Family a ‘Working System’

Picture of Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan

Tanzanian Man with 16 Wives and 104 Children Calls His Family a ‘Working System’

In a small village in Njombe, Tanzania, 86-year-old Mzee Ernesto Muinuchi Kapinga heads a family that functions much like a small town. With 16 wives, 104 children, and 144 grandchildren, his household is a bustling community where everyone plays a vital role.

Kapinga began his journey into marriage in 1961 when he wed his first wife and welcomed his first child a year later. Encouraged by his father—which even offered to pay dowries for additional marriages—Kapinga eventually married up to 20 women at the peak of his life. Although some wives have since departed or passed away, he currently lives with 16 wives, including seven sisters who chose to marry him after hearing about his respectful and responsible nature.

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Contrary to popular belief, jealousy does not plague his household. Each wife has her own home and kitchen, and responsibilities are efficiently divided among the family members. “This is not just a home; it is a system, and it works,” Kapinga explains. The family farms together, shares meals, and resolves conflicts through open dialogue.

His wives describe him as a fair and understanding husband who listens to their concerns rather than dictating rules. Any disputes are either settled among the wives themselves or brought to Kapinga for guidance.

Managing the needs of hundreds of family members is a considerable challenge, but Kapinga’s household is entirely self-sufficient. They cultivate crops such as corn, beans, cassava, and bananas and rely on both farming and livestock for their food. Surpluses are either traded or sold.

Although Kapinga admits he occasionally forgets the names of some of his children and grandchildren, he recognizes them when he sees their faces. Tragically, he has lost 40 children to illness and accidents, yet he remains devoted to the well-being of his large family. “This family runs because of the women,” he says. “I am only here to guide them.”

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