A judicial magistrate has sentenced Muhammad Anas to six years in prison for blackmailing a woman by sharing her private images and videos with her fiancé via WhatsApp. The court found Anas guilty under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016, convicting him of violating dignity, modesty, and cyberstalking. He was sentenced to two years for each charge.
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The woman, who had been in a relationship with Anas and had willingly shared personal material, became the victim of blackmail after the relationship ended. Anas sent the explicit content to her fiancé and family in an attempt to shame and control her.
A forensic analysis confirmed that the images were sent from Anas’s device, solidifying the prosecution’s case. The court stressed that the distribution of the images was intentional and meant to cause emotional and social harm. This ruling underscores the legal consequences of digital harassment and blackmail, marking a significant step in addressing such crimes.