Korean Scientists Develop Groundbreaking Technology to Turn Tumor Cells Into Normal Cells

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Korean Scientists Develop Groundbreaking Technology to Turn Tumor Cells Into Normal Cells

In a remarkable advancement for cancer treatment, researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have pioneered a method that can transform colon cancer cells back into normal-like cells. This new technique offers a safer alternative to traditional cancer therapies by avoiding the destruction of cancer cells and reducing the risks of severe side effects and recurrence.

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Led by Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho from KAIST’s Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, the team utilized a computational “digital twin” model of gene networks to identify molecular switches responsible for cell differentiation. By activating these master regulators, they successfully reversed cancer cells into normal-like states in laboratory and animal trials.

This novel approach, called “reversible cancer therapy,” could revolutionize oncology by directly addressing the underlying causes of cancer while minimizing harm to healthy tissues. While the study initially focused on colon cancer, the technology shows promise for application to other types of cancer, offering hope for safer and more effective treatments in the future.

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