MBS Faces Assassination Threat Amid Push for Israel Deal

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A report by US-based news outlet Politico claims that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is facing an assassination threat due to his efforts to normalize relations with Israel. According to the report, MBS informed members of the US Congress that his life is at risk as he pursues a major deal involving the US and Israel, which includes normalizing ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Politico, citing a former US official, revealed that MBS has discussed these threats to highlight the importance of including a clear and irreversible path to a future Palestinian state in any agreement. During one meeting, MBS referenced former Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated in 1981 by Egyptian extremists after signing a peace treaty with Israel.

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A source familiar with the situation told Politico that MBS conveyed the seriousness of the threat, stating, “Saudis care deeply about this, and the street throughout the Middle East cares deeply about this, and my tenure as the keeper of the holy sites of Islam will not be secure if I don’t address what is the most pressing issue of justice in our region.”

The report notes that it is unclear how recent these assassination concerns are, particularly given that the prospect of an Israel-Saudi normalization deal has diminished in recent months, according to congressional sources.

Despite these risks, MBS remains committed to pursuing the deal with the US and Israel, viewing it as crucial for Saudi Arabia’s future. However, the report also mentions that the Israeli government has been resistant to including a credible path to a Palestinian state in the agreement.

Earlier this year, amid an intense Israeli offensive in Gaza, Saudi Arabia reiterated to the US that it would not establish diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state was recognized based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and Israeli “aggression” on Gaza ceased. This position was reaffirmed in a statement by the Saudi foreign ministry.

Previously, White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby noted that the Biden administration had received positive signals that Saudi Arabia and Israel were open to continuing normalization discussions. However, the kingdom later reaffirmed its firm stance on the Palestinian issue following Kirby’s comments.


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