The US plans to lift the ban on offensive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia

Picture of Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan

The US plans to lift the ban on offensive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia

The Biden administration has decided to lift the ban on U.S. sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia, reversing a policy that had been in place for three years. This policy was originally implemented to pressure Saudi Arabia to wind down its involvement in the Yemen conflict.

The decision was confirmed by the State Department, which stated that the suspension on certain air-to-ground munitions transfers to Saudi Arabia would be lifted. This move follows the U.N.-led truce established in March 2022 between the Saudis and the Houthis, which has significantly reduced hostilities, including the cessation of Saudi airstrikes in Yemen.

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The administration briefed Congress on the decision, and sales could potentially resume soon. Under U.S. law, major international arms deals must be reviewed by Congress before they are finalized.

This policy shift is part of a broader realignment of U.S.-Saudi relations, especially in light of recent events in the Middle East, such as Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, and ongoing negotiations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia regarding defense and nuclear cooperation. The warmer ties between Washington and Riyadh also reflect a mutual interest in addressing regional security concerns.


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