Turkey Severs Trade Links With Israel Amid Diplomatic Strain

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Turkey Severs Trade Links With Israel Amid Diplomatic Strain

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]Turkey has terminated its trade connections with Israel, reportedly suspending all commercial activities and implementing constraints on Israeli revenues and imports.

Israel has vehemently protested against Turkey’s actions, with its Foreign Minister condemning President Erdogan’s moves as violations of agreements. Israel accuses Turkey of shutting down ports and harbors for Israeli trade, likening Erdogan’s actions to those of dictators.

Read more: Zardari Urges Bolstering Pakistan-Turkey Relations In Call With Erdogan

Israel’s Foreign Minister criticized Turkey’s behavior, stating that such authoritarian conduct is expected from dictators. Israel declared its intention to establish trade relationships with other nations and focus on domestic production in response.

Turkey has not officially announced the cessation of trade relations with Israel yet.

It’s worth noting that last month, Turkey imposed restrictions on Israeli goods following Israel’s ceasefire declaration in Gaza. The Turkish Ministry of Commerce previously declared that these restrictions would persist until Israel ceases hostilities in Gaza and allows unimpeded access for humanitarian aid.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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