Gigi and Bella Hadid Receive Death Threats Over Support for Palestinian Cause

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Gigi and Bella Hadid Receive Death Threats Over Support for Palestinian Cause

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Prominent supermodels Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid, who have been outspoken in their support for the Palestinian cause, are currently facing a wave of death threats and harassment due to their criticism of the actions of the Israeli government during the ongoing Israeli military offensive in Gaza.

Born to a Palestinian father, Mohamed Hadid, a luxury real-estate developer, the Hadid sisters have actively been advocating for the rights of Palestinians in the ongoing conflict.

According to sources, the Hadid family has been forced to take security precautions, including changing their phone numbers, in response to the significant number of death threats they’ve received.

In light of these threats, it’s been reported that Mohamed Hadid is contemplating involving the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to identify the individuals responsible for these threatening messages.

Also Read: Dua Lipa Express Sympathy Amid Israel-Palestine Conflict, Hopes for Ceasfire

Of particular note, Gigi Hadid has garnered substantial attention for her pro-Palestine stance, which has led to criticism from some of her Israeli supporters. She notably expressed condolences for the loss of lives, both Palestinian and Jewish, following a recent Hamas attack in Southern Israel on October 7.

The 28-year-old model expressed deep empathy and heartbreak for the Palestinian struggle and life under occupation. She emphasized that her hope for Palestinians does not involve harm to Jewish individuals. Furthermore, she strongly condemned acts of terrorism, such as the one by Hamas, and stressed that such actions risk misrepresenting Palestinian resistance as anti-Semitic.

On her Instagram account, Gigi shared a quote debunking the idea that criticizing the Israeli government equates to anti-Semitism, stating, “There is nothing Jewish about the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians. Condemning the Israeli government is not anti-Semitic, and supporting Palestinians is not supporting Hamas.”

In response to Gigi’s statements, the government of Israel used their official Instagram account to address the supermodel with a series of posts. One post included an image that seemed to depict a child’s bloodied bedroom and questioned whether she was aware of recent events or was “turning a blind eye” to what they described as “Jewish babies being butchered in their homes.”

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, which escalated with a surprise attack by Hamas on the Gaza-Israel border on October 7, has led to a tragic loss of life on both sides. The death toll has tragically reached 4,000 people, underscoring the urgent need for a global call for an immediate ceasefire in the region.


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