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7 tips by Twinkle Khanna to remain youthful


Former actor shared her beauty secrets online

Twinkle Khanna: a former actor, recently posted a video on her website, Tweak India, in which she discussed seven practises that have kept her looking young and beautiful over the years. The well-known fictional author claims that these suggestions have elevated her fitness slogan to a new level and that she now wants to assist others.

  1. Establish a relationship with nature

Twinkle revealed in the video that her only goals in life were to have a child, a dog, and a garden when she was older. She acknowledged that it might be somewhat daunting as an adult now that all of her previously imagined objectives had come true. So she heads to her garden for some “me time” with her plants whenever her dog and kids are making her crazy.

The actress from Mela advised, “Even if you don’t have a garden, be sure to put plants at your window sills and balconies since they instantly elevate your mood, increase concentration, and help you de-stress.”

  1. Dinner should be a light meal.

“I heard this from Waheeda Rehman: if you eat less at night, your body might relax rather than metabolising your meal. Like Waheeda, I only eat omelettes for dinner and go to bed by 10 p.m “shared a twinkle.

  1. Continue picking up new knowledge.

Twinkle also disclosed that, in spite of her terrible singing abilities, she recently started taking guitar lessons in an effort to connect with her small child, who plays the instrument. This is a fantastic approach to continue learning new things and feel mentally healthier, in her opinion. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be really good at it,” she said.

  1. Breathing exercises help maintain cognitive function

Breathing exercises are essential for preserving good health and lowering stress, according to Twinkle. Stress is significantly worse than birthdays when it comes to making you look and feel older, according to the author of Mrs. Funnybones. “Breathing exercises can help you feel calmer and more energised in just five minutes.”

  1. Do not be afraid to be goofy

Nothing is more priceless than a good laugh, yet I have a tendency to make all the jokes about myself. Twinkle advised everyone to be more outgoing and enjoyable in life: “Sing a silly song, tell a terrible joke that will make your teenagers roll their eyes.

  1. Use sunscreen religiously

The author also revealed that after giving baby, she had spots and pigmentation all over her skin, so she now wears sunscreen at all times, especially when going out for a visit or an errand on a sunny day.

  1. Make books your companions

Last but not least, Twinkle revealed what keeps her active and happy at all times: her books. Roald Dahl: The Collected Short Stories, PG Wodehouse: The World of Blandings, and Antoine de Saint-The Exupery’s Little Prince were among her three favourites.