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Raoof Hassan claims that prolonging Imran Khan’s detention is part of the London plan

Raoof Hassan claims that prolonging Imran Khan's detention is part of the London plan

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Information Secretary Raoof Hassan has alleged that a concerted effort is underway to keep PTI founder Imran Khan in jail, suggesting it is part of a broader “London plan.” Speaking at a press conference in Islamabad on Wednesday, Hassan criticized the government’s approach and questioned the judiciary’s response.

Hassan highlighted statements made by Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, who allegedly said that all means would be employed to keep Imran Khan incarcerated. “Did the Chief Justice hear this voice?” Raoof Hassan queried, implying that such declarations should prompt judicial scrutiny.

The PTI spokesperson emphasized the need for the Chief Justice to maintain the dignity of his position while also improving his conduct. He referred to recent events as a “spectacle” and suggested that the judiciary is not acting impartially. “Yesterday and the day before yesterday there was a spectacle,” he remarked.

Read More: EU Refutes Contact With PTI Regarding Pakistan’s GSP+ Status

Hassan accused the government of engaging in election rigging, claiming that PTI was defeated through the “worst rigging” in the recent polls. He called for an investigation into the actions of the Commissioner of Rawalpindi. “Did the Chief Justice think that he should find out about the Commissioner Rawalpindi where he is?” Hassan questioned.

He expressed concerns about a potential prolonged imprisonment for Imran Khan, alleging that there are desires to keep him behind bars for five years. Hassan also criticized the government’s shifting strategies regarding military operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, insisting that no operation should proceed without public support and parliamentary confidence. “If this is an intelligence-based operation, the parliament should be taken into confidence first, then we will take the matter to the provincial assembly,” Hassan stated, underscoring the need for transparent and democratic processes.