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Pakistan Punjab

Lahore High Court mandates the installation of water meters in housing societies

Lahore High Court mandates the installation of water meters in housing societies

In a significant move aimed at addressing environmental and public safety concerns, the Lahore High Court has issued several directives during its weekly hearing on petitions related to smog and other environmental issues.

Justice Shahid Karim emphasized the installation of water meters in all housing societies, marking a step towards more efficient water management and conservation efforts across Lahore. Additionally, he mandated strict measures against vehicles emitting smoke, ruling that such vehicles should not be allowed on the roads until they are certified as mechanically fit.

To enhance road safety, Justice Karim ordered the installation of tire killers on service roads to prevent wrong-way driving incidents, thereby reducing traffic hazards. Moreover, he instructed the Punjab Environment Department to provide a progress report on the enforcement of the ban on plastic bags, underscoring the court’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

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During the session, concerns were raised regarding the transportation of unhygienic food items, specifically mentioning the seizure of 47,000 kg of dead chickens. Notably, the vehicles involved in transporting these seized goods were yet to be located, prompting the involvement of the Safe City project in tracking them down.

The judicial inquiry also delved into the management of Tollinton Market, questioning the responsible authorities. It was clarified that the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) and the market association hold jurisdiction over the area, ensuring regulatory oversight.

In a positive development, the commission member overseeing the proceedings highlighted progress in environmental initiatives, noting that out of 581 service stations in Lahore, 518 have already installed recycling plants. This step aims to mitigate environmental impact and promote sustainable practices within the city.

These directives underscore the Lahore High Court’s proactive stance in addressing environmental challenges and ensuring public welfare through stringent regulatory measures and sustainable practices across Lahore.