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Has Nawazuddin Siddiqui ever faced religious discrimination in Bollywood?

Has Nawazuddin Siddiqui ever faced religious discrimination in Bollywood?

Famous Indian actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui recently highlighted Bollywood’s role in setting a global example of religious tolerance within the industry. According to reports from Indian media, Siddiqui discussed this topic on a podcast where he emphasized the importance of respecting diverse religions in Bollywood.

Speaking from his perspective as a Muslim actor, Siddiqui stated that he has never encountered discrimination based on religion in Bollywood. He acknowledged that every actor and filmmaker in the industry has shown him respect throughout his career.

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Reflecting on his longstanding association with Bollywood, Siddiqui expressed deep gratitude for the love and respect he has received from fans of all faiths, which he described as unparalleled compared to any other place.

During the podcast, Siddiqui shared anecdotes from his travels across India, where he experienced love and acceptance from people of various backgrounds. He questioned the motives behind certain media outlets that propagate divisive and untrue narratives about religious differences.

Siddiqui suggested that Bollywood could serve as a model for global society on how to foster respect for all religions. He cited examples such as Anupam Kher, known for his strong religious beliefs, who deeply respects Naseeruddin Shah despite their differing viewpoints, showcasing mutual regard in the industry.

Overall, Siddiqui’s remarks underscored Bollywood’s positive influence in promoting religious harmony and respect within its diverse community of actors and filmmakers.